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Larry & Linda Dunlap | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lupines tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


They're not native to the North Woods, but they're spreading like wildfire throughout our countryside, and people have begun looking forward to their blooming around the third week of June.

***** Signifies our top "Favorites For Framing".
** 111.7 - Lupines Alongside A Stream
** 111.7 - Lupines Alongside A Stream
75.7 - Schroeder Lupine Creek
75.7 - Schroeder Lupine Creek
*** 111.8 - Lupines:  Shades of Moody Blue
*** 111.8 - Lupines: Shades of Moody Blue
234.3 - Lupines
234.3 - Lupines
111 - Castle Danger: Lupine Landscape One
111 - Castle Danger: Lupine Landscape One
111.2 - Castle Danger: Lupines
111.2 - Castle Danger: Lupines
111.3 - Castle Danger:   Lupines Along Hwy 61
111.3 - Castle Danger: Lupines Along Hwy 61
111.4 - Lupines Along Scenic Hwy 61
111.4 - Lupines Along Scenic Hwy 61
111.5 - Lupines Along Lake Superior
111.5 - Lupines Along Lake Superior
234.1 - Lupine 1
234.1 - Lupine 1
234 - Wild Blue Lupine
234 - Wild Blue Lupine
234.2 - Wild Blue Lupine Field
234.2 - Wild Blue Lupine Field
234.4 - Bumble Bee On Pink Lupine
234.4 - Bumble Bee On Pink Lupine
234.5 - Bumble Bee On lupine
234.5 - Bumble Bee On lupine
234.6 - Lupines (Vertical)
234.6 - Lupines (Vertical)
234.7 - Lupines
234.7 - Lupines
234.8 - Our Garden Lupines
234.8 - Our Garden Lupines
Lupine Sphere
Lupine Sphere
16-B - Blue Lupine Kaleidoscope
16-B - Blue Lupine Kaleidoscope
66-B - Lupine Sphere 5
66-B - Lupine Sphere 5
Lupine Quilt Kaleidoscope
Lupine Quilt Kaleidoscope
Lupine Octagon Kaleidoscope
Lupine Octagon Kaleidoscope
75 - Lupine Kaleidoscope Card
75 - Lupine Kaleidoscope Card
72 - Lupine Kaleidoscope Card
72 - Lupine Kaleidoscope Card
66 - Lupine Sphere Card
66 - Lupine Sphere Card
16 - Lupine Kaleidoscope Card
16 - Lupine Kaleidoscope Card
234.4 - Botanical: Lupines By A Country Fence
234.4 - Botanical: Lupines By A Country Fence