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Emre Küçükince | all galleries >> Galleries >> New York City At Night > NY.jpg
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Canon PowerShot A80
15s f/8.0 at 7.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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shiela roleda 27-Nov-2005 07:11
wow! oh my God! i really like this. i'm dreaming to live in New York! thanks for this great gallery of yours, it seems like i've been there already! thanks! and great job!
Nige Ritchie 14-May-2005 20:28
To give you an honest opinion of this photo, I think its a competition winner..


Great Photo

And Great Camera.
ilker 01-May-2005 03:53
cok guzel olmus fotograflar eline saglik,
yapici elestirebilirsem , exposure rate'i biraz abartmisin gibi bi his var icimde .
bir de ISO degeri otomatik oldugundan midir ,biraz noise var resimde.
Ama guzel gorunuyor