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Sture Hermansson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Makrotest tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


A prelimiary test of some of my macro gear.
I photographed a graph paper printed on my laser printer.
The distance between the lines is 1 mm.
Distance from sensor plane: 20.8 cm
From front end of lens: 6.5 cm
Olympus E-30 + 14-54 mm at 54 mm. Closest focusing using manual focus

Distance from sensor plane: 20.8 cm
From front end of lens: 6.5 cm

Distance from Sensor plane: 37.6 cm
From Front end of lens: 19.0 cm
From Lens hood: 4.4 cm
Olympus E-30 + Sigma150mm

Distance from Sensor plane: 37.6 cm
From Front end of lens: 19.0 cm
From Lens hood: 4.4 cm

Distance from front end of lens (no lens hood): 7.4 cm
Olympus E-30 + Minolta 50 mm bellows macro on bellows with minimum extension

Distance from front end of lens (no lens hood): 7.4 cm

Distance from sensor plane 5.6 cm
From front end of lens: 3.0 cm
Olympus E-30 + Minolta 24 mm/2.8 in retro position

Distance from sensor plane 5.6 cm
From front end of lens: 3.0 cm