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Sam Stevenson | all galleries >> pad >> February 2008 > In the Country
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In the Country

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Rene Hales12-Mar-2008 21:32
Great tone, fits the scene.--Rene
Guest 12-Mar-2008 01:35
Excellent work Sam V
Mindy McNaugher06-Mar-2008 19:09
Magnificent shot! Vote!
Guest 01-Mar-2008 21:43
Perfect choice of color tones..terrific work..v
Neal Nye01-Mar-2008 12:44
What a great sky. This works so well in monochrome. Excellent!
Wenche Aune01-Mar-2008 10:31
Exclellent composition and tones. V
Greg Harp01-Mar-2008 05:14
sue anne01-Mar-2008 01:49
Very dramatic with those clouds. V.
Michel Jasmin01-Mar-2008 01:25
Great treatement of that scene
Jess. ( Lady.D.)01-Mar-2008 01:16
Excellent work Sam, the tones are terrific and a great composition, super sky...
Guest 01-Mar-2008 01:00
Outstanding! Excellent composition and tones.
Knox O01-Mar-2008 00:38
super shot.