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Sam Stevenson | all galleries >> pad >> February 2008 > Bright
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Greg Harp01-Mar-2008 05:18
Marvelous capture, beautiful work.
Jess. ( Lady.D.)28-Feb-2008 23:50
Bright and colourful, love the sun shining on the windows, well captured...
Guest 28-Feb-2008 21:52
Very bright indeed..glowing off the windows makes this great..v
Knox O28-Feb-2008 19:43
cheerful image. V
Neal Nye28-Feb-2008 12:55
What a delight, especially in this monochromatic season.
Wenche Aune28-Feb-2008 10:31
Wonderful light, beautiful colors. V
Char28-Feb-2008 03:28
Hi Sam,
I really love all the beautiful colors in this. An excellent photo. \/
Guest 28-Feb-2008 01:40
An accurately titled photo. Nice capture.
Ed Preston28-Feb-2008 01:34
Boy, this is colorful! Good eye.