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Sam Stevenson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Inbox > IMG_0752.JPG
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Canon PowerShot A95
1/200s f/4.9 at 23.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Lise De Serres24-May-2010 23:35
Beautiful scenery, very well framed!!
mathilda williams03-Aug-2009 23:29
I love this, beautiful and serene.
Guest 19-Apr-2008 20:00
I like the simplicity of this shot. Very eye catching.
poetry66606-Apr-2008 16:18
A landscape with a lonesome tree. Beautifully done, Sam.V.
Chris Spracklen11-Mar-2008 08:22
Nice composition, Sam. Lovely old tree.
Best regards, Chris
Guest 25-Nov-2007 03:18
I love the mood of this picture, its very quiet and peaceful
Gervan22-Jun-2007 18:33
Nice scenery. Well composed.
Yiannis Pavlis09-Jun-2007 13:27
lovely pick
effectively composed
Julie Oldfield26-Apr-2007 22:14
Great photo.
carabias15-Oct-2006 08:33
Beautiful and natural.
Lee G10-Oct-2006 22:20
Serene scene. Minimal and nice!
Guest 02-Mar-2005 05:52
Great shot! Those lone trees can make great subjests, and that one with the hanging moss looks especially interesting.
Guest 17-Jan-2005 00:18