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12 November - edited.JPG

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Sue Anne24-Jul-2020 08:58
I love Coke :))) v
Knox O23-Jan-2008 19:32
nice comp; love the 'cherry' coke.
Guest 19-Jan-2008 15:15
great one, love the DOF!
Guest 17-Jan-2008 16:31
yum I love Coke w/ lime
John Buffin13-Jan-2008 22:42
Two of my favorite flavors. ;)
flowsnow07-Jun-2007 12:21
Great still life shot! v
Andy Dunn06-Jun-2007 23:36
Excellent shot, this would make a great billboard.
Ron S. Bernardo21-Nov-2006 02:58
Looks like an AD!
Guest 16-Oct-2006 05:08
My favorite drink.
Randu03-Nov-2005 01:45
Good stuffs too!! Cheers!
Chris Sofopoulos29-Mar-2005 11:42
Nice light. Voted.