The Astronomical Society of New South Wales holds one of Australia's premier imaging competitions
known as "The Astro's" each year as part of their annual South Pacific Star Party or SPSP which is
Australia's largest gathering of its type. I have been most fortunate to place in the top three
all but one year, since first entering in 2005 and I have won the overall or a first place prize on eight
occasions. It is very gratifying to know that others enjoy what I produce from many hours at the scope and
many hours at the computer afterwards LOL :-)
I didn't attend SPSP2018 as I was overseas, there was no SPSP held in 2020, 2021 and 2022, due to COVID and
I couldn't make it in 2023, SPSP 2024 was also cancelled. Hopefully 2025 will see my return to SPSP.