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strongmanmike2002 | all galleries >> LATEST IMAGES (Eagleview Observatory) >> Ultra Deep look at M83 The Thousand Ruby Galaxy > Ultra deep M83 UK Schmidt & Eagleview Observatory
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Ultra deep M83 UK Schmidt & Eagleview Observatory

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Modern digital imaging now allows amateurs with a 0.3m F3.8 telescope to match or even exceed the extended feature
depth obtained with a 1.25m F2.5 Schmidt telescope, using emulsion photography and state of the art photographic
enhancement techniques that were available and used well into the 1990's. All, or at least most of what is enhanced
here, appears to be associated with the galaxy, rather than intervening Milky Way galactic cirrus dust.

Total exposure for the Eagleview image was 15hrs and for the UKST was 5.3hrs

This is a great paper on the nature of this star stream:

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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