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12/20/2021 Chief Jeremy Bonan Swearing-In Ceremony Holderness NH

12/20/2021 - HOLDERNESS, NEW HAMPSHIRE (GRAFTON COUNTY) - On the evening of Monday, December 20, 2021 the Holderness Board of Selectmen held a swearing-in ceremony for the incoming Fire Chief Jeremy Bonan at the Town Hall. Friends, family and co-workers gathered to watch the brief ceremony held at the beginning of the Selectmen's meeting. After being sworn-in, Chief Jeremy Bonan had his badge pinned on by his wife Jill, who is a Plymouth Police Officer. Chief Bonan is taking the place of the retiring Chief Eleanor Mardin, who has held the Chief's position since 2007. Holderness is a call fire department with numerous dedicated firefighters. A resident of Holderness, Chief Jeremy Bonan began his firefighting career as a fire explorer for the Guilford Fire Department in 2000. Chief Bonan was a call-firefighter for the towns of Guilford and later Plymouth, while he attended Plymouth State University. After graduating with a degree in business in 2008, Bonan began working as a full-time firefighter for the Plymouth Fire Department. He was later promoted to Captain, which he served for 4-years until he was promoted to Deputy Chief, a position he held for 2.5-years until taking the Fire Chief's position in Holderness.

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