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11/11/2021 MCA Whitman MA

11/11/2021 - WHITMAN, MASSACHUSETTS (PLYMOUTH COUNTY) - Around 1350 hours on the afternoon of Thursday, November 11, 2021 the Whitman Fire Department responded to a reported motorcycle accident at the intersection of Plymouth Street (Route-58) and South Avenue. Ambulance-248, Engine-243 and Car-3 responded. Companies arrived to find a motorcycle had collided with an Amazon delivery van. The motorcycle rider was found down in the roadway. Firefighters not only needed to tend to a critical trauma patient, they needed to deal with an active gasoline spill from the downed motorcycle. The motorcycle, which was wedged under the front of the Amazon van, was pouring gasoline, traveling downhill directly towards the downed rider. Speedy-dry was used to control the spill by firefighters, with the assistance of some bystanders. As firefighters tended to the patient in the roadway, it was determined that Boston MedFlight would be needed to transport the patient to a level-1 trauma center. Lieutenant Bryan Smith requested Boston MedFlight to the Memorial Field on Essex Street, and struck a box for manpower. Shortly after MedFlight was responding, Ambulance-248 left the scene and responded to the landing zone. Boston MedFlight landed on the scene within 15-minutes of their request, and the crew assumed patient care on their arrival. Firefighters assisted the MedFlight crew with bringing the patient to the awaiting helicopter. Boston MedFlight transported the patient to the Boston Medical Center. The cause of the accident was under the investigation of the Whitman Police Department, with the assistance of the Plymouth County Sheriffs Department BCI unit.

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