10/28/2021 - HANSON, MASSACHSUETTS (PLYMOUTH COUNTY) - At 2054 hours on the evening of Thursday, October 28, 2021 the Hanson Fire Department responded to a report of a building fire at 1492 Main Street (Route-27). A Hanson police officer, along with an East Bridgewater police officer arrived on-scene first and reported an active building fire. They were able to confirm all occupants were out of the building. First arriving crews used a fire extinguisher to knock down the initial fire on the exterior of the building. A hand line was stretched the the "B" side of the building and was used to knock down hot spots on the exterior. Crews made entry to the building and performed primary and secondary searches of the 2-story occupied wood framed dwelling. No extension was found to the interior of the building. Whitman Engine-243 responded to the scene and a Pembroke engine responded to Hanson Fire Headquarters for coverage. Damage to the house due to the fire and smoke is estimated at $100,000. No injuries were reports. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation by the Hanson Fire Department, but it appears to be accidental in nature.