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08/24/2021 Lieutenant Bryan Smith Swearing-In Whitman MA

08/24/2021 - WHITMAN, MASSACHUSETTS (PLYMOUTH COUNTY) - On the evening of Tuesday, August 24, 2021 the Whitman Fire Department held a swearing-in ceremony for newly appointed Lieutenant Bryan Smith. The ceremony was held at the beginning of the Board of Selectmen's meeting at the Whitman Town Hall. Whitman Fire Chief Timothy Clancy introduced Lieutenant Smith prior to the swearing-in. Chief Clancy noted that Lt Smith was one of Whitman Fire's first high school interns. Lt Smith is a 2001 graduate of Whitman-Hanson Regional High School, he has an Associates Degree from Columbia Southern University, and recently completed Fire Officer I training. Smith became an EMT and Paramedic and started his firefighting career in 2004 with the Kingston Fire Department, later joining the Whitman Fire Department in 2008. Whitman Town Clerk Dawn Varley swore-in Lieutenant Bryan Smith in front of a full room of friends, family and co-workers. Lieutenant Smith's wife Jessica, and children Annabelle and Colin pinned on his badge. His father Lieutenant Gary Smith (retired) of the Hanson Fire Department helped finish the pinning. His brother Brandon is also a firefighter, for the Holbrook Fire Department. Lieutenant Smith has been assigned to Group-1 and took command of the group on August 1st.

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