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07/15/2021 2nd Alarm Abington MA

07/15/2021 - ABINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS (PLYMOUTH COUNTY) - Around 1455 hours on the hot and humid afternoon of Thursday, July 15, 2021 the Abington Fire Department struck a box for a reported building fire at 325 Adams Street, at the corner of Wales Street. Engine-4 signed off with smoke showing from the rear of a 2.5 story wood framed multiple dwelling. A working fire was requested shortly after arrival, bringing Rockland and Whitman engines to the scene and a Holbrook engine to cover. Tower-1 was ordered to open the roof and incoming Engine-2 grabbed a hydrant and laid in to Engine-4. Crews worked to locate the cause of the smoke in the large 2.5-story wood framed multiple unit apartment building. A line was stretched into the first floor. As crews had difficulty locating the seat of the fire, a second alarm was requested, with a special call for a rehab unit to the scene. Mutual aid companies from Brockton, Hanover, Holbrook, and Weymouth responded to the scene and staged on Railroad Avenue. Crews were able to locate the fire which appeared to be in the basement and extended up to the first floor in a bathroom. While first floor companies opened up the walls and hit hot spots, Whitman firefighters stretched a line into the basement through a window and hit hot spots and checked for extension. Once the fire was located, the fire was quickly knocked down. With temperatures in the 90's and high humidity levels, several firefighters were evaluated for heat related issues, but no one required transport to the hospital. The cause of the fire is under investigation, but is believed to be electrical in nature. The fire was contained to a single apartment, and only one of the 16 residents needed to be displaced due to the fire.

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