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07/06/2021 Chief Timothy Clancy Swearing-In Whitman MA

07/06/2001 - WHITMAN, MASSACHUSETTS (PLYMOUTH COUNTY) - On Tuesday, July 6, 2021 a swearing-in and pinning ceremony was held for Timothy Clancy, who was named the next Fire Chief for the Town of Whitman. The ceremony was held in the auditorium at the Whitman Town Hall in front of nearly all of the town's firefighters, local police officers, members of area fire departments, friends, and family. Chief Timothy Clancy was sworn-in by Whitman Town Clerk Dawn Varley and had his new badge pinned on by his daughter Kiley and his wife Danielle. Chief Clancy has been a member of the Whitman Fire Department since 1991 where he began as a call-firefighter until his full-time appointment in 1997. In 2008, Clancy was promoted to Lieutenant, a rank he has held until his appointment to Fire Chief. Chief Clancy is a graduate of Whitman-Hanson Regional High School and holds a Masters Degree from Anna Maria College. He is currently enrolled in the National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer Program, and holds multiple training certificates from the Massachusetts Fire Academy and National Fire Academy. Chief Clancy will replace Chief Timothy Grenno who will be retiring after 37-years of service to the Town of Whitman, including the towns Fire Chief since 2008. “Lt. Clancy has not stopped in his efforts to excel in every aspect of his job. Throughout our time working together, his abilities have made my job much easier,” Chief Grenno said. “I’m proud to support the appointment of Lt. Clancy and wish him the best of luck as he leads the Whitman Fire Department in the future.”

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