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04/05/2021 W/F Brockton MA

04/05/2021 - BROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS (PLYMOUTH COUNTY) - Around 1215 hours on the afternoon of Monday, April 5, 2021 the Brockton Fire Department responded to Master Box 7463 for 2 Beaumont Avenue the Brockton Health Center. Following the master box, a call was received reporting a possible fire on floor-3. Engine-4, Engine-7, Squad-A, Ladder-4 and Car-56 responded. Companies arrived to nothing showing from the 4-story brick nursing facility. Once inside companies found a fire in an outlet on floor-2 that had extended to the wall. Crews encountered smoke on floors 2, 3 and 4. Firefighters worked to locate and knock down the fire, while other firefighters moved and evacuated residents of the building. Car-56 later requested an additional ladder to the scene, bringing Ladder-1 to the scene. EMS was then requested bringing several Brewster EMS units to the scene for stand-by and rehab. Crews knocked down the fire quickly. A wiring inspector was requested to the scene as the fire was believed to originated in an outlet on the second floor.

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