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Stone Ku | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Stone Ku
Name Stone Ku (joined 23-Sep-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username stoneku
Location Taipei Taiwan ROC
Taipei Taiwan ROC
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View Galleries : Stone Ku has 185 galleries and 3393 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 845057 times.

View Guestbook : 19 messages. Most recent on 18-Sep-2008.

Message from Stone Ku
My equipments :
[ Rolleiflex SL35 series SLR camera QBM mount ]
Body: SL35M // Lens: 35mm f2.8 HFT lens Singapore / 50mm f1.8 HFT Singapore / 135mm f4 Germany

[ Topcon SLR Topcon/Exakta mount ]
Body: Hanimax Topcon RE-2 // Lens: Topcor 50mm f1.8 / P.Angenieux Paris 35mm f2.5 R1 No223539

[ Contax/Yashica SLR C/Y mount ]
Body: Contax 167MT / Yashica FX-3 super 2000 / Yashica FX-D quartz
Lens: Distagon 25mm f2.8(Germany) / Planar T* 50mm f1.4 / Planar T* 50mm f1.7 / Vario-Sonnar T* 35-70mm f3.4 / Vario-Sonnar T* 40-80mm f3.5(Germany) / Vario-Sonnar T* 80-200mm f4

[ Nikon SLR F-mount ]
Body: FG black(1982) / FG silver / FM2 black(1982) / F601 (1996) / FM10 / EM(1979,sold) / FG-20(1984,sold)
- Nikkor AF: 50mm f1.4 / Nikkor AF 50mm f1.8(sold) / 24-85mm f2.8-4(sold) / Tamrom AF 90mm f2.8 macro 1:1
- Nikkor Ai: P.Angenieux 35-70mm f2.5-3.3 (France) / 24mm f2.0(1977-1981) / 20mm f3.5(1977-1981)
- Nikkor Series E : 50mm f1.8(1978-1981) / 100mm f2.8(1979-1981) / 75-150mm f3.5(1979-1981)
- Nikkor non-Ai: Nikkor auto 35mm f1.4(sold) / Nikkor Ai 50mm f1.4 / Nikkor-Q 20cm f4 (1961-)

[ Cosina Voigtlander RF camera L39 screw mount ] (sold)
Bessa-L body / SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm/f4.5 lens

[ Compact Camera ]
Fujifile TiaraII (battery CR2)

[ Canon Digital SLR Camera EF-mount ]
Body: EOS 20D(AD 2004) / EOS D30(AD 2000)
Lens: CANON 17-85mm/f4-5.6 (EF-s IS ) / CANON 18-55mm/f3.5-5.6 (EF mod from EF-s) / Tamron 11-18mm f4.5-4.6
Lens adapter: Ai to EOS / C/Y to EOS / M42 to EOS / Leica-R to EOS

[ Digital Camera ]
RICOH GX100 24-72mm / Olympus C-3040 f1.8 / Panasonic Lumix LC-20 (sold)

[ Film Scanner ]
Nikon COOLSCAN 5000 ED 4000dpi / Nikon COOLSCAN III (LC-30) 2700dpi
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