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Sony Forums Challenges | all galleries >> Challenge 19: Trees (hosted by Dee Golden) >> Exhibition Gallery > Magical Trail
by Ann Chaikin
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1/28/02 Ann Chaikin

Magical Trail
by Ann Chaikin

Bellingham, WA

I took this picture on January 28, 2002 after an unusually deep snowfall. The location is Whatcom Falls Park in Bellingham, Washington.

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Sony Forums Challenges25-Jun-2002 21:50
Brrr!!!! Thanx for reminding me of January in Junw...LOL! Great shot! -Loren
Sony Forums Challenges16-Jun-2002 06:15
Thanks Jim. No lens hood on this one. Just good old luck that it didn't flare more. This was a great photographic day for me. The one that won the exhibition a few challenges ago I took the same day. It was worth missing a day of work and school. ;) Ann
Sony Forums Challenges15-Jun-2002 12:23
Ooh, do I like this. Were you using a lens hood? There is a little flare, but you didn't get as much flare as one would expect. This is my favorite kind of tree shot. Jim/Shutter
Sony Forums Challenges15-Jun-2002 06:02
I like how the flare from the sun works well here with the snow covered branches --Dee