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Steve Zimmermann | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Reno or Bust tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Reno or Bust

September, 2003. A motorglider expedition covering the western USA from Chicago to Reno and back, the long way.
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Reno or Bust - Preliminaries
gallery: Reno or Bust - Preliminaries
Day 1 - Waukegan, IL to Custer, SD
gallery: Day 1 - Waukegan, IL to Custer, SD
Day 2 - Custer, SD to Lewistown, MT
gallery: Day 2 - Custer, SD to Lewistown, MT
Day 3 - Lewistown, MT to Livingston, MT
gallery: Day 3 - Lewistown, MT to Livingston, MT
Day 4 - Livingston, MT to Longmont, CO
gallery: Day 4 - Livingston, MT to Longmont, CO
Day 5 - Niwot, CO to Farmington, NM
gallery: Day 5 - Niwot, CO to Farmington, NM
Day  6 - Farmington, NM to Bryce, UT
gallery: Day 6 - Farmington, NM to Bryce, UT
Day 6b - Bryce Canyon
gallery: Day 6b - Bryce Canyon
Day 7 - Bryce, UT to Fallon, NV
gallery: Day 7 - Bryce, UT to Fallon, NV
Day 7 - Reno Qualifying
gallery: Day 7 - Reno Qualifying
Day 8a - Reno Air Races
gallery: Day 8a - Reno Air Races
Day 8b - USAF Thunderbirds
gallery: Day 8b - USAF Thunderbirds
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