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Steve Price | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Aud Elise Sjøsæther10-May-2008 10:25
I really enjoyed your galleries : )

Aud Elise
Jill26-Jun-2007 12:05
Steve, you are such an inspiration. Each image tells a story of whatever the viewer decides to envision in one's mind.
Guest 22-Mar-2007 13:58
Steve, Fantastic work! Your B&W gallery is awesome! I will be back to peruse your other galleries when time permits!
regi olbrechts22-Mar-2007 13:02
Hi Steve,
I spent some time in your galleries but NOT ENOUGH! Work calls now. So I will be back!
You have an impressive collection of fresh ideas and your tone-palette is impressive, especially your B/W's! Brilliant compositions too.
You have a good, personal eye and style. I like it a lot.
Christine P. Newman02-Dec-2006 15:54
Steve, I just discovered your galleries through Adal. There is a lot to enjoy here.
Guest 26-Sep-2006 09:58
Great meaningful photo, close to modern life, thanks to precise technique, sense of composition, line & volume geometry. Wish you plenty of deserved money for that !
Guest 15-Sep-2006 18:53
Great great work! Another one English man on my favorites...
Sue Roberts04-Jul-2006 16:29
your pictures are amazing!
Guest 29-Jun-2006 06:02
Steve ... thanks for stopping by My PaD and taking time to comment; much appreciated. I enjoyed wondering around your galleries while here as well. Cheers.
Guest 03-Jun-2006 20:52
Wonderfully sophisticated photo's --- will check back often to see what you are up to! Cheers! Andra Smith
Vincent Luar16-May-2006 14:31
Compositions and elegance are in your photos! Well done!
shg206-May-2006 20:43
very nice photos, love the colors and compositoins
Guest 04-May-2006 18:16
Thank you very much for your comment on my light bulb picture!!! I love feedback! You have some great shots here!!!
Guest 01-May-2006 19:29
Ta for the Lacock Abbey comment Steve.. some great work on your site.. i'll add you to my favs & come back when i'm less asleep!

jaac30-Apr-2006 23:39
Hi Steve, thx for the comment, much appreciated. :-)

You have many impressive images here, a good variety to,
i will add you to my favorites for a quick link back.

Guest 09-Apr-2006 20:04
Hey Steve,

Thanks for leaving a comment on one of my images. I'm glad you did since I haven't had the pleasure of seeing your impressive collection of work here on Pbase before. I look forward to checking back often and seeing more from you. Keep'm coming!

Stephen Winsor
AL24-Mar-2006 15:28
Thanks for your comment on my PAD. You've nice works and I particularly like your monochrome collection. Hope to see more from you and thanks for sharing!
Pathfinder17-Mar-2006 22:33
I know you asked for constructive comments on the Forum, but looking through your galleries, you show a good eye for composition and an attention to detail. I never really saw anything significant to comment on. I did notice you seem to be comfortable in photographing things instead of people. Nice galleries.
Guest 17-Mar-2006 22:22
Thanks Steve for your nice comment on my coyote image.....
gina_dl03-Feb-2006 12:07
thanks for the visit Steve and always Welcome. You have a great eye yourself
Guest 28-Jan-2006 16:37
Thanks for your comments!!!