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Cantley Sugar Factory. This iconic, scenic wonder dominates the East Norfolk countryside, and casts
its exotic aromas far and wide in the wintertime. Actually, I quite like it! (not the smell though)

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/25s f/5.6 at 13.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Craig Persel12-Jan-2011 18:44
Another classic.
Keith Goldstein29-Nov-2009 04:42
Wonderful image. ~v~
shatterbug15-Jul-2009 03:21
Gritty the mixture of light!
John 13-Jun-2009 17:09
Very nice work! very much as to the style of John Golden.
Marisa Livet07-Jun-2009 09:26
Your textured images, so typical of your style and so perfectly composed, have left already for a long time the huge but codified world of plane photography to take off toward the still partially unexplored planet of the digital creativity, you operate to your own images and makes them more real in their relative unreality.
This factory is a kind of icon by now, seen through your wide layers of colours, textures and thoughts.
PauloCGama03-Jun-2009 20:13
Love the 30's mood. Smoke adds the final touch, Steve.
Huge v
Carole Stevens25-May-2009 19:48
Gorgeous dramatic moody work!
Peter Zetner28-Jan-2009 15:40
Wow - stunning! V.
Guest 05-Jan-2009 23:54
The mood is so fantastic. V
Apostolos Tikopoulos05-Jan-2009 20:42
Excellent composition, great mood and tones. V.
Marcia Rules04-Jan-2009 23:22
very brooding and intriguing; love it...v
David Lewins04-Jan-2009 21:25
I think I would go further and state late
Victorian Industrialism. The low angle seems
to suggest that it's been viewed by a child and
the stark contrast which you have given between
the belching smoke stack and the sky adds to the
industrial feel. Excellent treatment and photography
once again. +V
Glenn D.04-Jan-2009 20:24
Great composition. I must agree with 'Andrew' and the 1920's feel to it. Just a great piece of work. V!
Wenche Aune04-Jan-2009 17:38
Excellent! V
Guest 03-Jan-2009 23:05
Love to open your work, like X-mas everyday..excellent work..V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther03-Jan-2009 11:14
Wonderful work! Lovely color and light. Your treatment is fantastic as always : ) V
ltolksdorf03-Jan-2009 11:12
Beautiful. V
settler03-Jan-2009 10:58
Bless the sugar factory and long may they employ..V!!
Sue Robertson03-Jan-2009 06:55
It is a great abstract of industry. Love it!.. Happy New Year! v
12303-Jan-2009 06:35
Cool. V
Ian York03-Jan-2009 00:04
When I liver near a beet factory,
the aromas where anything but exotic :0

but a superb capture none the less
reminds me of some of the industrial paintings of the 30's
PauloCGama02-Jan-2009 23:29
pure art!! v*
Nick Arena02-Jan-2009 22:32
Wonderful imagery Steve!..fabulous mood..excellent treatment..V
Milos Markovic02-Jan-2009 20:05
I just imagined how beautiful that scent could be, and then I read your conclusion :)
Still I love how you have described it and surely a great addition to your master series, Steve.
Andrew02-Jan-2009 19:31
I like it too, Steve. It has a 1920-ish feeling to it. Interesting treatment to the sky as it has an almost crackling paper feel about it. Unsure just what to make of the dot-like particles up there but my mind has convinced me that they could easily be sparks emitted from the stack.
More than anything I think it's the "circa" feel that attracts me to this Candy factory maybe but it still speaks dirty industrial belch too. Not a bad thing per se. Just trying to put to words what I see.
Interesting and thought provoking. Certainly caught these eyes. Well done!
Guest 02-Jan-2009 19:07
excellent, love the tone.
Mike Stobbs02-Jan-2009 18:58
Nice texture on this lonely industrial image.......braVo....Mike
Ann...02-Jan-2009 18:28
An industrial type scene but not quite. I like the treatment very much.
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