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Steve Rich | profile | all galleries >> Kansas City >> K C P A tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


The Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts opened Sept 2011.
A nearly 285,000-square-foot facility with two main performance halls.
Exterior surfaces include glass, pre-cast concrete and bead-blasted stainless steel.
27 cables are anchored by the weight of the pre-cast walls and hold up the glass in the lobby.
KCPA SW fog 13x19 DSC_3807.JPG KCPA S Entrance 12x6 DSC_3808.JPG Cables 19x13 DSC_3785.JPG KCPA NW opening day 5x7 DSC_3773.JPG
KCPA N Entrance Night 13x19 DSC_3854.JPG KCPA NW fog 13x19 DSC_3841.JPG KPAC W 5x7 DSC_3813.JPG Under Construction Reflection 5x7 DSC_1041.JPG
KCPA reflection off Bartel 5x7 DSC_3778.JPG KCPA NE BW 8x10DSC_3781.JPG Under Cost 5x7 DSC_0930.JPG KCPA do not enter 5x7 DSC_0921.JPG