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Steingrim Vold | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lappland july 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lappland july 2004

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Towards Knivskjellodden
Towards Knivskjellodden
On the spot
On the spot
Fishing town panorama
Fishing town panorama
Northern Porsangen fjord
Northern Porsangen fjord
Our home in Alta in 1977-78
Our home in Alta in 1977-78
Our home in Alta in 1978-81
Our home in Alta in 1978-81
On the Komsa mountain, the Alta fjord
On the Komsa mountain, the Alta fjord
By the Alta fjord
By the Alta fjord
The Lyngen alps
The Lyngen alps
Photographer vs photographer
Photographer vs photographer
Lyngen panorama
Lyngen panorama
Hit by the paparazzi with his 380 mm
Hit by the paparazzi with his 380 mm
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