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Stefan Schmitz | all galleries >> Built Environment >> Urbanity 2.0 > Self
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Marcia Rules05-Dec-2009 22:09
Guest 11-Jul-2009 17:56
very creative! V
Eckhart Derschmidt11-May-2009 19:47
pascal26-Feb-2009 17:29
Absolument génial !
Aud Elise Sjøsæther01-Jan-2009 13:20
This one is so amazing! BV
jlB13-Dec-2008 22:26
Excellent !
Bill Warren17-Nov-2008 22:25
Excellent idea and execution. V
Guest 21-Sep-2008 21:00
très bonne photo !!
Guest 05-Aug-2008 20:54
Brilliant! Beautifully balanced composition
Anita Waters16-Jun-2008 22:22
Excellent, love it!
Yves Rubin19-May-2008 06:44
I just love it!!! So much implied behind this image. V!
Yves Rubin19-May-2008 06:44
I just love it!!! So much implied behind this image. V!
Guest 16-Apr-2008 20:06
fantastic, v
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma06-Apr-2008 09:05
Masterpiece !
Fabienne29-Mar-2008 20:38
On sent dans cette photo beaucoup de recherches. Le résultat est excellent.
Guest 10-Mar-2008 22:42
Great eye!
Barbara Heide10-Mar-2008 20:05
ha ein bisschen ja vielleicht beim nächsten mal... ich find es echt gut, aber zeig dich nur mal...
Kilkenny Photographic Society02-Feb-2008 17:47
Pete Smith.
Andreas 21-Jan-2008 22:28
Ein bisschen bedeutungsschwanger, etwas political correctness - na und?
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