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Noteworthy findings in Sweden 2022

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Noteworthy findigs in Sweden2022
Noteworthy findigs in Sweden2022
Siberian Rubythroat (Luscinia calliope)
Siberian Rubythroat (Luscinia calliope)
Mandarine duck (Aix galericulata)
Mandarine duck (Aix galericulata)
Scarce  Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis xanthomelas)
Scarce Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis xanthomelas)
Bombus on Crocus
Bombus on Crocus
Nymphalis polychloros (Nymphalis polychloros) and Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Nymphalis polychloros (Nymphalis polychloros) and Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Modern forestry (Sweden)
Modern forestry (Sweden)
Primula elatior (True Oxlip)
Primula elatior (True Oxlip)
Petrophora chlorosata (Brown Silverline)
Petrophora chlorosata (Brown Silverline)
Cicindela hybrida (Northern Dune Tiger Beetle)
Cicindela hybrida (Northern Dune Tiger Beetle)
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