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Stecal | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> French & Indian War Miniatures tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

French & Indian War Miniatures

My 25mm French & Indian War Miniatures. Mostly Old Glory, Dixon and Front Rank. Quite a few of the Indians and Militia have been heavily modified. My best paint jobs ever, mostly painted 10-15 years ago.
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Some Scottish Tenants of William Johnson
Some Scottish Tenants of William Johnson
British Regulars (I bought these painted)
British Regulars (I bought these painted)
Large Militia Group
Large Militia Group
British Independent Company
British Independent Company
French Militia in Great Coats
French Militia in Great Coats
French Militia Closeup 2
French Militia Closeup 2
French Militia Closeup
French Militia Closeup
British Infantry - Old Glory (I hate these sculpts)
British Infantry - Old Glory (I hate these sculpts)
French Militia Officer closeup
French Militia Officer closeup
Capt Beaujeau - dressed as a native
Capt Beaujeau - dressed as a native
Capt Beaujeau back
Capt Beaujeau back
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