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the pipe that never was....PAGE TWO

PAGE TWO...exploring the possibilities

This is where I want to explore the possibilities of the approach that the pipe that never was offers.

BUT, first things first: does it fit in a 240?

I can now say that Yes, it does fit into a 240 chassis.

I will try the pipe in a 700 chassis soon, to see how it fits there.

Then, I will get into a discussion of the merits of the pipe, and how I plan on using the basic design for my purposes. That will take some time to write and edit.

Note: My apologies for the dirty test vehicle. It was just about to be scrapped out; the salt and years had taken its toll. The main reason I did the test fit on it was because it was a 1979 240; and that would coincide with the timeline of the pipe that never was. Being as dirty and greasy as it was did not assist in my getting nice pretty pictures, but I found out what I wanted to know: the pipe does fit right in there....just as if it was made for it.
it fits...
it fits...
looking from the right hinge area
looking from the right hinge area
looking forward underneath
looking forward underneath
crossmember clearance
crossmember clearance
oil filter clearance
oil filter clearance