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LBlock: improving the oil supply

With an oil squirter motor, the volume of flow requirements are more than for a non-squirter motor. Regardless of how large the oil pump, if the passages in the lubrication system restrict the flow, then volume, as well as the pressure, will be all points past the restriction. It is very important to make sure that there is plenty of volume of pressurized oil getting through. Those four squirters will flow a considerable volume of oil in toto, even though the orifices are pretty small individually.

After finding the partially blown O ring at the transfer pipe, I realized that the pressure from the pump was probably adequate; but that there could be a constriction in the system somewhere that could impair the volume and increase the backpressure on the pump, leading to the O ring blowout.

I had to make sure that there was no constrictions; and that the pump could supply plenty of volume at pressure; without losing one of the O rings again. If I can make sure the volume gets through; I won't have a pressure problem.

I found three places that were areas of constriction. I corrected the problems.
that troublesome O ring
that troublesome O ring
identifying the restrictions
identifying the restrictions
the first restriction
the first restriction
from a slightly different angle
from a slightly different angle
at the oil filter base
at the oil filter base