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Sometimes bad things happen.

Sometimes really bad things happen.

This motor lost two rods, which broke the intermediate shaft into pieces. The rear part of the intermediate shaft went out the back, and sheared off all four bolt heads of the bolts that locked the torque converter to the flexplate.

The carnage is fairly total:

...the block is tweaked in the mains' alignment, as well as being cracked at three places;

...the crankshaft is bent as well as being chewed up at #2 and #3 rod journals.

...none of the rods are salvageable.

...the pistons are only worth going into the meltdown heap. My eldest son does metal casting.

This is the kind of thing that can occur when someone lets their teenaged offspring go out and joyride a B230FT motor with 200,000 miles on it.

[and some people wonder why I don't think much of piston steered con rods...]

What will be replacing this collection of scrap pieces....what was once a 1992 745T motor...will be a '93 B230FT L block with 1st OS B230E pistons.

That shortblock is on the stand now.

Assembly to commence soon....the chevy orange paint is curing out.
another attempted escape site
another attempted escape site
first look at the destruction
first look at the destruction
another view
another view
more damage
more damage
some seriously abused rods and pistons
some seriously abused rods and pistons
another view
another view