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stealthfti | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Project 15A tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Project 15A

When I went to Michigan to check out the wagon that became the Sarah Project, I dragged 15A along to assist in evaluation.

He fell in love...with the black on black leather.

After some time of diligent effort, he found a candidate in Maryland. We went; we looked; He bought. And I cannot fault his decision: if he had not done the deal, I would have.

This gallery is about his new wagon; and the motor that I built for it.
the adventure begins anew...
the adventure begins anew...
arrived:  the 93 L block motor
arrived: the 93 L block motor
the before picture
the "before" picture
Finally....going back together
Finally....going back together
head on
head on
prime time
prime time
to advance a cam, an Avalanche can help
to advance a cam, an Avalanche can help
done to
done to
I'll have the Jumbo Sized order of brakes, please
I'll have the Jumbo Sized order of brakes, please
Meet:  the Shadow
Meet: the Shadow