What a voyage we weathered on the high seas of O’Kelly’s Friday evening. Stan and Kris, Steve and Elaine, Lori, Sandi, Kimmie Sue, La Rae, Theresa, Jeff and Micha on 2 wheelers, Paul and LinDa, B.J. and Karen, Ron and Kim and Ron’s brother, Brenda and scads of our Baxter crew, including Traci and A.J. (who wanted to hear Grandpa play). We were impressed with the in house speakers and the acoustics of the new room. As the party proceeded Mark appeared at the door hoisting Das Boot and then the merry making stepped up a notch! Several rounds during the festivities had the Un-Hessened wondering what the hell was going on!
These friendships and the chance to spend a little time and share with each of you becomes increasingly important to us old salts as we begin to glimpse Davy Jones’ Locker through the murky depths.
Heartfelt Thanks to each and every one of you Hardcore Pirates, family and friends,