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Tom Beech | all galleries >> Galleries >> Aircraft & Flying Gallery 7 > Bailout at low altitude
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Bailout at low altitude

3' AGL, No parachute required 8-)

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dan Greenberg15-Jan-2020 06:18
I don't think his chute is going to open on time :) ~V~
Carter Creek22-Nov-2019 19:46
Looks like the only way to get down. Well done. V
janescottcumming22-Nov-2019 15:24
My smile for the morning. Nice catch.
Dave Berry21-Nov-2019 21:15
An interesting capture. Great timing! V
Neil Marcus21-Nov-2019 16:44
Well timed catch
Tom Briggs21-Nov-2019 16:31
............... and that's the best way to bail out
joseantonio21-Nov-2019 12:48
great timing for this one