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24-JUL-2013 "B"

road crew


More excitement than I can possibly handle?

Apple iPhone
1/1972s f/2.4 at 4.3mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Barry Ailetcher25-Jul-2013 18:12
nice shot
Steve Thuman25-Jul-2013 03:18
I can almost smell it!
fotabug24-Jul-2013 23:05
Looks like a good job
Bea.24-Jul-2013 23:03
Well, they look like they know what they're doing.
Laura Milholland24-Jul-2013 21:23
Love this, B. I have to say the first thing that came to mind was the scene in the Disney movie "Cars" which we just re-watched. Lightning McQueen used old Bessie to repave the road in Radiator Springs, if you haven't seen it. . . so this made me smile. ;)
Paul Milholland24-Jul-2013 21:22
Don't envy you the smell, but the new blacktop will be nice. . . .
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