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foto-baja-mex | all galleries >> Galleries >> Memorial One > floret.jpg
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Nikon D300
1/500s f/11.0 at 105.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)31-May-2010 18:50
Nice capture and great framing! Vote!
Guest 14-Oct-2009 23:49
A lovely shot of that beautiful flower!
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo08-Oct-2009 05:15
You're just yamming it up with this great shot!
foto-baja-mex08-Oct-2009 00:10
Thank you all. It is/was a Morning Glory via a couple of Yams I have transplanted.
Guest 07-Oct-2009 22:20
Beautiful Bryle
Bea.07-Oct-2009 22:00
Can't help with the name, but it's a pretty shot.
Ruth Voorhis07-Oct-2009 21:58
Very lovely, delicate image with those wonderful dew drops, Byrle.
Guest 07-Oct-2009 19:25
Beautiful dewy shot, Byrle. it looks like some kind of morning glory to me.
Guest 07-Oct-2009 18:34
Lovely shot Byrle, it looks like a Morning Glory to me
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