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Sue Robertson | all galleries >> Projects >> The Red Door >
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Carol How01-Aug-2010 18:14
Love the results here~V
Guest 10-Jul-2007 04:42
This one has lovely balance.
Craig Persel20-Jun-2007 22:54
Thierry Lucas20-Jun-2007 22:30
Very nice picture.
Nestor Derkach20-Jun-2007 22:03
Lovely work of art ! Vote
Martha Albuquerque20-Jun-2007 21:46
nice image, Sue.. artistic.. v*
akleja20-Jun-2007 20:17
Perfect! Vote!
JSWaters20-Jun-2007 14:33
I like what you're doing here, Sue. When we just let go and experiment we can see some pretty amazing results.
Guest 20-Jun-2007 12:03
Beautiful image, Sue
Guest 20-Jun-2007 10:22
You are making me dizzy! Great creativity. ~V~
Shimon Levkovich20-Jun-2007 09:15
Very artistic creation. V
laine8220-Jun-2007 08:45
You have such an imagination...By the way, are you frozen yet ? :>))
Guenter Eh20-Jun-2007 08:43
This is a delicatesse for all senses Sue! Bravo!
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