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Sue Robertson | all galleries >> Galleries >> monochrome > Lake_Bonney_240717_2645_bw.jpg
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Canon EOS 5D Mark III
10s f/11.0 at 17.0mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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zyziza29-Jan-2025 15:07
Fine art! V
Dan Opdal20-Dec-2023 02:51
Wonderful Capture! V
Gail Davison22-Jul-2022 15:19
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography21-Apr-2022 18:47
Wow! Stunning image, Vote.
Raymond Ma27-Mar-2022 23:16
Beautiful art Sue! v
Bart Aldrich03-Aug-2021 23:11
Reminds me of my old Salton Sea shots. V
ltolksdorf01-Mar-2021 15:52
Great, v
Christian Dumont14-Dec-2019 18:29
GP Merfeld02-Sep-2019 01:28
Love this.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad16-May-2019 19:07
Terrific! V
GeneWard07-May-2019 03:25
A work of art. VVV
Yvonne17-Mar-2019 10:07
A beautifully composed image... thought I recognised Lake Bonney! v
Jean-Rene A17-Mar-2019 09:29
Très très beau ! V
Jeff Real17-Mar-2019 03:20
Such a mystical beauty!
laine16-Mar-2019 23:36
Nice work, Sue...V
John16-Mar-2019 23:22
Excellent work. Art. VV
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