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I flew into Peshawar in the early morning and took an auto rickshaw from the airport to the Khyber Bazaar, where my hotel, the Park Inn, was. I loved Peshawar, like I loved most of Pakistan (see Islamabad for a lengthy discussion of how I hated Islamabad.) The old city/market was an amazing place, filled with beautiful, if run down, old buildings, with amazing detail work in stone and wood. But, as everyone says, the most amazing thing about Pakistan is the people. I was constantly being asked to sit and have tea, even when the people didn't speak very much English. They just wanted to be hospitable. And they were. I mostly tooled around the old town, but also went out to Sadaar Bazaar and out to the GT Road, to photograph the trucks. Peshawar is an amazing city and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to visit an ancient city filled with a great ethnic mix and the kindest people you're likely to ever meet (unless you go to Yemen.)
Old City architecture
Old City architecture
The master shoemaker. An Afghan kid invited me in for tea as I passed this shoe-making alley. This guy was the teacher
The master shoemaker. An Afghan kid invited me in for tea as I passed this shoe-making alley. This guy was the teacher
Old stars of David
Old stars of David
An Afghan carpet merchant took me on a tour of some very nice old streets
An Afghan carpet merchant took me on a tour of some very nice old streets
Visual field overload
Visual field overload
Rickshaw overload
Rickshaw overload
The street my Afghan friend took me to
The street my Afghan friend took me to
Stone work
Stone work
Stone work in the doorway
Stone work in the doorway
Goofing off for the dopey American
Goofing off for the dopey American
It rained really hard one morning, for about 20 minutes
It rained really hard one morning, for about 20 minutes
Lots of donkey carts
Lots of donkey carts
Sometimes you wanted to die for them
Sometimes you wanted to die for them
Buses. You sort of have to take pictures of the buses
Buses. You sort of have to take pictures of the buses
Little courtyard
Little courtyard
Rice maker
Rice maker
The youngest rickshaw-walla in Peshawar
The youngest rickshaw-walla in Peshawar
Typical friendly smile you encounter in Peshawar
Typical friendly smile you encounter in Peshawar
Some Sufi mystic was living here
Some Sufi mystic was living here
Bread seller
Bread seller
Cinema, donkey cart
Cinema, donkey cart
Cotton dealer
Cotton dealer
You lookin at me?
You lookin at me?
Bird Bazaar
Bird Bazaar
Apple cart
Apple cart
Cinema poster
Cinema poster
Strange positioning. She's either about to start, or just finished him off
Strange positioning. She's either about to start, or just finished him off
Afghan rag dealer
Afghan rag dealer
A little mall in Sadaar Bazaar
A little mall in Sadaar Bazaar
Little dark street
Little dark street
The life is hard
The life is hard
So, I went out to GT Road to photograph buses, as mentioned above, the obligatory shots of Pakistan
So, I went out to GT Road to photograph buses, as mentioned above, the obligatory shots of Pakistan






