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Islamabad, Murree

Well, Islamabad goes down with Kuala Lumpur, Da Nang and al-Hudayda as one of my least favorite places on the planet Earth. Very little to recommend a visit, unless you enjoy soul-less, bureaucratic, Le Corbusieresque, culturally dead cities. And does anyone, really? The only place in Pakistan where I found virtually no welcoming smiles. The cool indifference of Islamabad turned into outright hostility in the vastly over-rated hill station of Murree. I should have heeded a warming I received from a student of mine, who grew up in Islamabad, who told me, "Sir, don't go to Islamabad. It's just like Bur Dubai." Bur Dubai is an old section of Dubai. I kind of like Bur Dubai, but I got her meaning. And I should have listend to her. I could have used the four days I wasted in Islamabad and Murree in down in Multan.

C'est la vie, no es verdad?
Juma Bazaar, by my hotel, the vastly overpriced Royal Inn
Juma Bazaar, by my hotel, the vastly overpriced Royal Inn
Juma Bazaar
Juma Bazaar
There is little else worth photographing in Islamabad
There is little else worth photographing in Islamabad
g2/31/233431/3/65726743.7bYzfku8.jpg I liked this guy with the banner of the Kaba'a
I liked this guy with the banner of the Kaba'a
Empty guard's chair, atop some hideous government buildings
Empty guard's chair, atop some hideous government buildings
Constitution Avenue
Constitution Avenue
If the sign can be believed, this is the residence for either Parliamentarians or their guests
If the sign can be believed, this is the residence for either Parliamentarians or their guests
The main boulevard in town
The main boulevard in town
Appbara Market, where I stayed in the vastly overpriced Royal Inn
Appbara Market, where I stayed in the vastly overpriced Royal Inn
Vegetable market
Vegetable market
g2/31/233431/3/65726753.OvYrz4IO.jpg Possibly the only two smiles I saw in four days
Possibly the only two smiles I saw in four days
The villas are the best part of Islamabad. Some very nice homes here.
The villas are the best part of Islamabad. Some very nice homes here.
Not sure what to make of this
Not sure what to make of this
The international style?
The international style?
The bustling streets of Murree, filled with surly Pakistanis
The bustling streets of Murree, filled with surly Pakistanis
I guess I was supposed to be impressed with the views.  I was not.
I guess I was supposed to be impressed with the views.
I was not.