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Stephen Luk | profile | all galleries >> Arthropods of Ontario >> Class Insecta - Insects >> Order Lepidoptera - Butterflies and Moths >> Family Erebidae >> Arctiinae (Tiger Moths) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Arctiinae (Tiger Moths)

Members of the formerly family Arctiidae.
Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth, Hodges#8089 Hypoprepia miniata
Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth, Hodges#8089 Hypoprepia miniata
Painted Lichen Moth, Hodges#8090 Hypoprepia fucosa
Painted Lichen Moth, Hodges#8090 Hypoprepia fucosa
Painted Lichen Moth, Hodges#8090 Hypoprepia fucosa
Painted Lichen Moth, Hodges#8090 Hypoprepia fucosa
Painted Lichen Moth, Hodges#8090 Hypoprepia fucosa
Painted Lichen Moth, Hodges#8090 Hypoprepia fucosa
Hodges#8098.2 Clemensia umbrata
Hodges#8098.2 Clemensia umbrata
Hodges#8098.2 Clemensia umbrata
Hodges#8098.2 Clemensia umbrata
Leconte's Haploa, Hodges#8111 Haploa lecontei
Leconte's Haploa, Hodges#8111 Haploa lecontei
Confused Haploa, Hodges#8112 Haploa confusa
Confused Haploa, Hodges#8112 Haploa confusa
Orange Virbia, Hodges#8121 Virbia aurantica
Orange Virbia, Hodges#8121 Virbia aurantica
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Isabella Tiger Moth, Hodges#8129 Pyrrharctia isabella
Salt Marsh Moth, Hodges#8131 Estigmene acrea
Salt Marsh Moth, Hodges#8131 Estigmene acrea
Virginian Tiger Moth, Hodges#8137 Spilosoma virginica
Virginian Tiger Moth, Hodges#8137 Spilosoma virginica
Virginian Tiger Moth, Hodges#8137 Spilosoma virginica
Virginian Tiger Moth, Hodges#8137 Spilosoma virginica
Virginian Tiger Moth, Hodges#8137 Spilosoma virginica
Virginian Tiger Moth, Hodges#8137 Spilosoma virginica
Virginian Tiger Moth, Hodges#8137 Spilosoma virginica
Virginian Tiger Moth, Hodges#8137 Spilosoma virginica
Fall Webworm, Hodges#8140 Hyphantria cunea
Fall Webworm, Hodges#8140 Hyphantria cunea
Ruby Tiger Moth, Hodges#8156 Phragmatobia fuliginosa
Ruby Tiger Moth, Hodges#8156 Phragmatobia fuliginosa
Little Virgin Tiger Moth, Hodges#8175 Grammia virguncula
Little Virgin Tiger Moth, Hodges#8175 Grammia virguncula
Little Virgin Tiger Moth, Hodges#8175 Apaptesis virguncula
Little Virgin Tiger Moth, Hodges#8175 Apaptesis virguncula
William's Tiger Moth, Hodges#8186 Apantesis williamsii
William's Tiger Moth, Hodges#8186 Apantesis williamsii
Banded Tussock Moth, Hodges#8203 Halysidota tessellaris
Banded Tussock Moth, Hodges#8203 Halysidota tessellaris
Banded Tussock Moth, Hodges#8203 Halysidota tessellaris
Banded Tussock Moth, Hodges#8203 Halysidota tessellaris
Banded Tussock Moth, Hodges#8203 Halysidota tessellaris
Banded Tussock Moth, Hodges#8203 Halysidota tessellaris
Banded Tussock Moth, Hodges#8203 Halysidota tessellaris
Banded Tussock Moth, Hodges#8203 Halysidota tessellaris
Banded Tussock Moth, Hodges#8203 Halysidota tessellaris
Banded Tussock Moth, Hodges#8203 Halysidota tessellaris
Hickory Tussock Moth, Hodges#8211 Lophocampa caryae
Hickory Tussock Moth, Hodges#8211 Lophocampa caryae
Hickory Tussock Moth, Hodges#8211 Lophocampa caryae
Hickory Tussock Moth, Hodges#8211 Lophocampa caryae
Milkweed Tussock Moth, Hodges#8238 Euchaetes egle
Milkweed Tussock Moth, Hodges#8238 Euchaetes egle
Virginia Ctenucha, Hodges#8262 Ctenucha virginica
Virginia Ctenucha, Hodges#8262 Ctenucha virginica
Yellow-collared Scape Moth, Hodges#8267 Cisseps fulvicollis
Yellow-collared Scape Moth, Hodges#8267 Cisseps fulvicollis