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Terri Steele | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Self tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Bits and Pieces of Me.
20200206_120510.jpg 20200206_120608.jpg Foggy Dew Trail A tight squeeze...
baby.jpg splash.jpg Red Planking
Chief Joseph Dam A Windy Day Kiss Toes
Lipz Hand Curves Where is it?
Face Lift on a Budget Splash Tent Birth of a Shiner Shiner Day 2
Full Blown Shiner Hiding from the Rain Coffee is my favorite part of the morning Gotta Have Red Shoes
More red shoes Red Shoes Say Cheese It's been one of those days
It takes regular old photos too... I can't hold on much longer... Southpark Terri Dark Terri
Locks of Love January 18 Splash is a ham too The Eyes Have It
Sexy Terri Shaka Kiss Lono Hawaiian Tan
Earrings and Everything Splash Seventh Heaven high sierras paper.jpg
evening stream crossing.jpg Splash at the Southern Terminus Monument of the Pacific  Crest Trail Splash in Billy Goats Cave Hitching A Ride
Splash 1splashenterpark.JPG 1SplashMuirpass.JPG 1splashsilverpass.JPG
1splashonseldenpass.JPG 1splash on glen.JPG 1monkey butt powderedit.jpg 1Splash on Eagle Rock.jpg
Self Portrait Goofing Off Near Camp Muir Why Didn't Somebody Tell Me The Headband Looked So Dorky??? contemplating the glacier.jpg
my summit shot.jpg neon camper.jpg shuksan 1992 006.jpg mt olympus 012.jpg
clark mountain 029.jpg clark mountain 033.jpg glacier peak 1993 sulphide.jpg kangaroo temple 1993 006.jpg
kangaroo temple 1993 Above 15k with Ixta mt rainier 1995.jpg mt rainier 2003 010.jpg
mt baker 2004.jpg Me and Pete: Summit Shot Discussing the Route There's Gotta Be Snow Somewhere...
The Entry On Edge 1Campfire.jpg Splashy
Hanging out at the top... Icicle The New Ride Splash Down