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Costa Rica

I thought long and hard about which lenses and what DSLR I would haul along with me to adequately capture the magic that is Costa Rica. The final decision, was a complete surprise to me. I had been searching for a new wide angle lens, when I happened to see the Canon Powershot SX50. I scoured the internet for photo examples, and with the 50x optical zoom of this little gem, I made a bold decision to make the purchase, and leave my heavy, bulky, and expensive camera gear at home.

It was an amazing trip, and yes, there were times, when I missed my DSLR camera; however, I have to say that I am both extremely pleased and surprised by the reach and quality of this little gem.
San Jose, Costa Rica
:: San Jose, Costa Rica ::
Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica
:: Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica ::
Arenal Region, Costa Rica
:: Arenal Region, Costa Rica ::
Tortugueros, Costa Rica
:: Tortugueros, Costa Rica ::
Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
:: Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica ::