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October 13

Radisson Peregrines - 13 October 2009

An Unexpected Visitor

A little excitement with the visit of an unknown juvenile peregrine at the Radisson today. By the plumage, its a 2009 hatched falcon and from a couple of quick glimpses of the bands, it looks like it could be a bird from the US - it looks like the left leg band is black and green and the right band is a purple anodized aluminium, both are used in the US and not in Manitoba. Now it could be that the green on the left leg is actually green tape on a silver band and the right band looks dark in colour but is it a black band? If it is, then its Luck from Brandon. So far however, it looks more like a visitor from the US.

S/he arrived about a week ago and has been observed on and off on the Radisson sign on the east side of the Hotel. Fortunately, Princess and Trey appear to have begun their long migration south already so our young visitor doesn't look to be in any danger from our resident pair.

Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project (Manitoba)

An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor
An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor
An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor
An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor An Unexpected Visitor
An Unexpected Visitor