When most folks think of live music in Berwyn, the Harlem Avenue Lounge is the first place that comes to mind. Come on the weekends, and you're certain to find members from Buddy Guy's or Koko Taylor's bands sitting in with the house band. Other local blues stars, such as Willie Kent and the Gents or Studebaker John and the Hawks, have also been known to play here. And if you're an aspiring artist, Thursday is your night as Big Ray hosts an open-mic jam. It's Harlem's most popular night, and you never know who'll show up on stage. The bar itself is not much to look at, with its worn furniture, dimly lit space and small quarters, but what happens on that tiny stage keeps the fans coming back for more. -- Audarshia Townsend
WEBSITE: http://harlemavenuelounge.com/ Cheap cover charge, Hot bartender (not kenny z.), White Castle right next door!
Images taken at the Harlem Ave. Lounge
Home of the Rotten Club
I went there 2 times when I visited from manitoba canada and was one of the best times of my life jamming with pistol pete and a bunch of other guys kenny was the best and everyone there made me feel welcome
12-Jun-2010 00:40
been goin there for 25 yrs some things never change like good blues in your backyard with some good company and good feelin musuc in me live live live