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Rukhsana Ahmed | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 21-Dec-2009 14:39
great galleries i can see here..
thanks for sharing your good work..
Marilyn30-Oct-2008 18:21
Just want to say you have lovely and unique galleries, and a real talent and very keen eye for beauty and color. I am also a thirtysomething wife and mom looking to get more serious about my photography, and I have booked you into my favorites so I can come back and study more. I am just getting started and know I have a long way to go. Take care and I can't wait to see more! Cheers
Luke29-Jul-2008 02:14
i rox u doin wel , keep it up.
pr_rajan20-Jul-2008 09:49
BOBBY ALI 13-Feb-2008 12:02
HI RUKHSANA Its great to see some of your work, your utillising the ethnic colours in your photography beautifully. But please do not be affraid of being none conventional, as ethnic markets are more open to this than the mainstream of society. As there is a market out there i assure you as i work with a range of artists.In and outside the medium of photography.
Asad Manzooor 09-Nov-2007 08:31
Very nice Snapes
Guest 23-Sep-2007 14:08

Thanks for taking the time to look at my galleries, you are obviously a very talented photographer. I enjoyed looking at your work.

Guest 05-Sep-2007 03:34
Beautiful photos! Very nice shots. I love your wedding photos, love the beautiful traditional wedding. It's always fun to photograph weddings. Thanks for sharing your photo with us.
Guest 25-Aug-2007 11:12
Thanx Rukhsana for visiting my galleries and adding nice comments over there. You are such a wonderful photographer and you have too many nices pics in your gallery.
Guest 18-Jul-2007 21:25
Rukhasna, thanks for the visiting my galleries. You got a lot of great stuffs as well.

Cheer !
Guest 13-Apr-2007 01:53
Thanks for stopping by at my gallery Rukhsana.
RAMMI 06-Dec-2006 08:38
Guest 21-Nov-2006 14:31
Thanks for your comments :)
Manish Gupta02-Nov-2006 17:24
Guest 08-Oct-2006 13:38
Hi Rukhsana ji

Very nice images. Nice asian style wedding Photos. very brave effort to put them on your galleries for viewing. Thanks for sharing with the pbase community.