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Giancarlo Guzzardi | all galleries >> Mountains - 10 sub galleries >> free_mountains >> my_sacred_mountain > sweating at dawn
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sweating at dawn

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Robyco05-Dec-2008 08:27
Great with the light !! (V)
Dave Wyman01-Dec-2008 08:01
Sunlight will soon make things hotter.
Marcia Rules27-Nov-2008 18:38
wow, this looks like an extreme challenge, but well worth it V!
Bryan Murahashi26-Nov-2008 06:23
Nice touch of light on this peaks edge. V
Guest 25-Nov-2008 05:48
This wall is going to be cold!
Guest 22-Nov-2008 21:32
just great!!!!!!!
Gerard Koehl22-Nov-2008 20:34
La montée vers le départ de la voie... V
marie-jose wolff22-Nov-2008 15:07
Fantastic mountains, wonderful lighting! V
Guest 22-Nov-2008 14:47
Amazing shot
Joanne Kamo22-Nov-2008 10:30
You must be in great shape..fabulous capture of the journey! V
Bartosz Kotulski22-Nov-2008 08:34
fantastic capture. like this perspective and color of light in right top corner. my vote