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Canon EOS 20D
1/60s f/3.5 at 92.0mm iso3200 full exif

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David Lewins16-Nov-2008 14:24
A great sense of movement captured within this image with a good DOF which im my view accentuates the movement. First class! +V
Guest 02-Dec-2007 14:48
just like a dancing stone from michelangelo era
Guest 15-Nov-2007 13:51
What a super image!
Michael Shpuntov13-Nov-2007 19:22
This is my favorite. Great dynamic and excellent B&W processing. Vote. Ultimate dance.
Martha Albuquerque10-Nov-2007 23:56
beautiful movement in this one!!! v
Guest 02-Nov-2007 22:56
I could almost feel the flow of the movement. Great stuff! V
Robyco02-Nov-2007 22:01
Very dynamic picture !!
Latifa Messaoudi01-Nov-2007 19:25
Jim Chiesa31-Oct-2007 16:35
I fully agree with Yiannis ! V.
Yiannis Pavlis31-Oct-2007 13:13
The low light levels add to this image in a very dramatic way. Beautifully captured and presented.V