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Chris Sofopoulos | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portraits >
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Robyco13-May-2009 06:41
again a strong portrait !! (V)
Sue Robertson11-May-2009 22:29
Eloquent is the word. so much conveyed without seeing his eyes.. Bv
Guest 11-May-2009 09:56
What an eloquent image! Bravo.
Christin Tröger07-May-2009 19:30
Brilliant again Chris.
Wenche Aune07-May-2009 18:45
Fantastic! V
Julie Queybronac (Bryline)07-May-2009 12:18
Couleur, détails, expression, fumée qui s'échappe de la cigarette .... A l'impact, cible atteinte ! BraVo !
bill friedlander07-May-2009 00:46
He is carrying the cares of the world on his shoulders. An excellent image. V
Silvia Roitman06-May-2009 21:30
excellent capture!
laine06-May-2009 21:14
Very commanding...
Antonis Sarantos06-May-2009 09:04
Beyond any comment! V
PauloCGama06-May-2009 03:07
Deep and intense, very well done!! V
Marcia Colelli06-May-2009 02:21
wonderful composition V
Michael Shpuntov06-May-2009 01:51
Stront shot. Very emotional even the face is covered. Vote.
Guest 05-May-2009 21:15
Ohhh, what a great shot! Love the composition. VOTED
shatterbug05-May-2009 21:14
Such an expressive capture...great toning too!
Marjan Schavemaker05-May-2009 20:21
Excellent, Chris! V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther05-May-2009 20:13
Very impressive! Love the tones! V
Nora van Beek05-May-2009 19:53
Wonderful composition and lighting.~V~
Ann...05-May-2009 19:36
Stunning - raw emotion.
ltolksdorf05-May-2009 19:32
Yeap, wonderful impression how we all feel some time. V
Guest 05-May-2009 19:18
Absolutely perfect!! Vote
J. Scott Coile05-May-2009 19:13
Powerfully emotive!
Roe..05-May-2009 19:08
good lord this is great!!!