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Alan Smallbone | profile | all galleries >> Astrophotography >> QSI Camera images tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

QSI Camera images

Images with a QSI camera, one of the best low noise astro cameras out there!
M20 - The Trifid Nebula
M20 - The Trifid Nebula
VDB-142 in Cepheus
VDB-142 in Cepheus
NGC 6992 the Eastern Veil Nebula
NGC 6992 the Eastern Veil Nebula
First quarter moon
First quarter moon
M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy
M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy
Rosette Nebula in Ha NGC-2237
Rosette Nebula in Ha NGC-2237
M20 The Trifid Nebula in Ha
M20 The Trifid Nebula in Ha
M 20 the Trifid Nebula
M 20 the Trifid Nebula
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy
M42 region wide field
M42 region wide field