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Nature's Creation

We wanted to replace annuals with flowers that we could find in the fields. There are several varieties of what one might call weeds; however, we notice that birds have been attracted to these pots, mainly the Black-cap Chickadees and Gold finches. Add a ribbon or two, some berries and we are ready for Christmas (I don't think our neighbours were impressed!
We also decided to provide some shelter for the wee birds that feed at the feeders off the deck... shelter from wind, rain and the occasional hawk. We miss the mass of bramble bush that bordered the property to the west of us as this was a wonderful haven for the birds in the winter.
Nature's Finest 'weeds'
Nature's Finest 'weeds'
The sun brings them to life
The sun brings them to life
Food for the birds
Food for the birds
Spun gold - a fragile mass of wild asparagus
Spun gold - a fragile mass of wild asparagus
Food & Shelter
Food & Shelter
The sanctuary for the birds
The sanctuary for the birds
:: 2005 ::
Yes! They found the special planters!
Yes! They found the special planters!
Caged Downey - for Lea! She did not believe they would venture in ;o)
Caged Downey - for Lea! She did not believe they would venture in ;o)
Mr & Mrs House Finch
Mr & Mrs House Finch
Mr Suspicious Cardinal
Mr Suspicious Cardinal
Even the RBN's are fighting today!
Even the RBN's are fighting today!