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snorkelady | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Critters tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


What an amazing array of creatures on this tiny little island. The crocodiles were active at night so we were unable to do any night snorkeling.
The night was so dark that we needed flashlights to find our way back to our cabanas and had to be careful not to step on the crabs.
Hermit Crabs
Hermit Crabs
g3/29/471129/3/124504823.pjKn3va2.jpg Grabbed by the tail
Grabbed by the tail
A curious nurse ;o)
A curious nurse ;o)
The next day .......
The next day .......
Leacherous old lizzard ...... hanky panky in the tree!
Leacherous old lizzard ...... hanky panky in the tree!
g3/29/471129/3/124504828.FMASobIr.jpg Termites nest
Termites nest
One of the crocs having a nap
One of the crocs having a nap
He was far enough away to give me time to get away!
He was far enough away to give me time to get away!
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